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GROWS Advocacy Committee Meeting
Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Category: GROWS

Join us at our Advocacy meeting as we recap what is happening on the Commission of Aging and keep updated on legislation concerning our businesses and clients.  Join us via zoom here.    
Please join us as we welcome Caitlin Houck, RN, MS, Executive Director, MNCHA (Maryland-National Capital Homecare Association www.mncha.org) who will provide an introduction to the Association and learn more about their legislative & regulatory standpoints on HCBS, workforce, and reimbursement rates at both the state and federal levels. Also she will provide insight on what legislation is coming up this January in Annapolis. In Montgomery County, the Commission was instrumental in working on the County Executive's task force to come up with recommendations to improve the HCBS Workforce.  Tuesday, 11-28-23 from 1-2 PM via Zoom at the Advocacy Committee Meeting  Link is HERE